Category: XACML 3.0


XACML PAP PDP Separation

With my previous post,  i went through XACML PDP (Policy Decision Point) architecture by using WSO2 Identity Server.  In this blog post, i am hoping to go through how PDP and PAP have been separated each other. In some implementation (specially with older Identity server versions),  there is no any separation with PAP (Policy Administrator […]

What is new with XACML 3.0

These day, i am working on opensource XACML 3.0 implementation, called  “Balana”.  You can find the project from here.  Balana is an improvement of sun-xacml.  However i am not going to talk about Balana today…  But just want to share some knowledge with XACML 3.0  When I go through the XACML 3.0  Core specification, following are […]