Tag: PAP

Policy Administration Point

XACML Policy Administration With WSO2 Identity Server

According to the XACML terminology, Policy administration point is the place where,  XACML policies are defined and managed.  WSO2 Identity Server is an one open source product that provides you to manage XACML policies. If you just login to management console UI of the WSO2 Identity Server v4.5.0,  you would see a PAP UI with […]

XACML Policy Editor in WSO2 Identity Server V 3.2.X

[This blog post describes the policy editor of WSO2 Identity Server 3.2.X Which is now older version.  Please find new details about policy editors from here] WSO2 Identity server provides a XACML policy editor UI for creating XACML policies. Actually Identity server 3.2.X is shipped with two policy editors. One is basic policy editor and […]

XACML reference architecture

The reference architecture proposes a standard for deployment of necessary software modules within an infrastructure. Policy Decision Point (PDP)evaluates policies against access requests provided by Policy Enforcement Points (PEP). To provide the decisions, PDP may also need to query a Policy Information Point (PIP) to gather descriptive attributes about the user or any other missing […]