Tag: Cluster

Cluster of PDP or Cluster of some servers. It uses to achieve the high availability, failover and high performance.

XACML Sample for Health Care Application – Part 1

In this blog post I am going to create XACML sample (sample XACML policies , PIP and PEP) with some real world use case. Lets assume following use case in a Health care organization There is a health care organization called “Medi” “Medi”  keeps medical records of all the patients in a database repository. This repository  has […]

PDP Cluster with Load balancer

In my previous blog post, I explained deploying of PDP cluster using WSO2 Identity Server. Each PDP in the cluster exposes their own authorization service (Entitlement service). Therefore we need to setup a load balancer to forward the incoming authorization queries among each PDPs. Then load balancer would expose only a one interface for PEP […]