XACML for Authorization

standardized, attribute based, externalized, fine-grained and dynamic authorization for enterprise applications

Month – January 2015

XACML Policy Set with Identity Server

Let see how Policy Set works in Identity Server. You can simply create the policy set easily using Policy Set Editor of the Identity Server. Here you can, Select a Policy Set Combining Algorithm Define Target element for Policy Set Define Policies references that you like to add in to the Policy Set. You can […]

Use XACML Advice elements to generate detail decisions.

XACML engine usually returns a Boolean decision (whether permit or deny). Let see how we can use Advice elements in the XACML to return a policy decision more than a Boolean value. Let takes some example in MDM (Mobile Device Management) systems. MDM contains the policy enforcement point (PEP) for mobile devices. PEP decides what […]

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