XACML for Authorization

standardized, attribute based, externalized, fine-grained and dynamic authorization for enterprise applications

Month – October 2013

XPath in XACML – Part 1

XPath is playing an import role in XACML when policies are evaluated for XML based data. When XML data is passed across nodes, PEP can be an interception point that calls the PDP with passing XML data. Based on the XML data, PDP can take decisions.  Let see how we can develop simple policy that […]

Multiple Policies in PDP – Policy ordering and combining

As we already know, there can be multiple policies in the PDP policy store.  For each XACML request, PDP would pick the applicable policy (or policies) based on  policy’s  Target element. Complexity would be;  when more than one policy is applicable  for the request. Then PDP needs to combine the result based on the policy […]

XACML Sample for On-line Trading Application – 2

In my previous post,  I went through “Kmarket” online trading sample using Balana XACML 3.0 implementation.  Now let see,  how we can build this sample with WSO2 Identity Server. Please make sure to read my previous post to get some idea about the sample….  Step 1. Upload sample policies which can be found here in […]

XACML PDP Performance Testing

Long time ago, i tied to discuss on measuring XACML PDP performance.  As i mentioned earlier,  it was little bit tricky task to define a proper test suit for XACML performance testing.  But however, I have done some performance  testing with WSO2 Identity Server, which is an open source XACML engine based on Balana. Using […]

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