Federated users can be provisioned to WSO2IS local user store using JIT provisioning. But; WSO2IS can not enforce end users to enter new attributes for provisioning.
But; WSO2IS 5.3.0 contains new feature which end user’s can fill out the mandatory attributes for given service provider. Assume that federated IDP or local IDP does not contain the required end user’s attributes which SP is looking for; then end user can provide them as user inputs. You can find more details from this mail thread.
These provided attributes will be sent to the SP, But; they will not be provisioned by default with federated JIT provisioning. Lets see how we can provision them. This can be done via implementing an extension to WSO2IS.
Step 1. Extend the DefaultStepBasedSequenceHandler & implement a new sequence handler. Here; we need to extend only the “handleJitProvisioning()” method. Sample code can be found as following
protected void handleJitProvisioning(String subjectIdentifier, AuthenticationContext context, List<String> mappedRoles, Map<String, String> extAttributesValueMap) throws FrameworkException { subjectIdentifier = new StringBuilder().append(subjectIdentifier).append("@").append(context.getTenantDomain()).toString(); try { String userStoreDomain = null; String provisioningClaimUri = context.getExternalIdP() .getProvisioningUserStoreClaimURI(); String provisioningUserStoreId = context.getExternalIdP().getProvisioningUserStoreId(); if (provisioningUserStoreId != null) userStoreDomain = provisioningUserStoreId; else if (provisioningClaimUri != null) { userStoreDomain = (String)extAttributesValueMap.get(provisioningClaimUri); } ThreadLocalProvisioningServiceProvider serviceProvider = new ThreadLocalProvisioningServiceProvider(); serviceProvider.setServiceProviderName(context.getSequenceConfig() .getApplicationConfig().getApplicationName()); serviceProvider.setJustInTimeProvisioning(true); serviceProvider.setClaimDialect(ApplicationConstants.LOCAL_IDP_DEFAULT_CLAIM_DIALECT); serviceProvider.setTenantDomain(context.getTenantDomain()); IdentityApplicationManagementUtil.setThreadLocalProvisioningServiceProvider(serviceProvider); FrameworkUtils.getProvisioningHandler().handle(mappedRoles, subjectIdentifier, extAttributesValueMap, userStoreDomain, context .getTenantDomain()); UserProfileAdmin userProfileAdmin = UserProfileAdmin.getInstance(); subjectIdentifier = MultitenantUtils.getTenantAwareUsername(subjectIdentifier); try { FrameworkUtils.startTenantFlow(context.getTenantDomain()); PrivilegedCarbonContext.getThreadLocalCarbonContext().setUsername(subjectIdentifier); String associatedID = userProfileAdmin.getNameAssociatedWith(context.getExternalIdP().getIdPName(), subjectIdentifier); if ((associatedID == null) || (associatedID.trim().length() == 0)) { userProfileAdmin.associateID(context.getExternalIdP().getIdPName(), subjectIdentifier); log.info("User association is created with the username"); } } catch (UserProfileException e) { throw new FrameworkException(new StringBuilder().append("Error while associating local user ID for ").append(subjectIdentifier).toString(), e); } finally { } } catch (FrameworkException e) { log.error("User provisioning failed!", e); } finally { IdentityApplicationManagementUtil.resetThreadLocalProvisioningServiceProvider(); } }
In there; we are creating an association with the same IDP identifier (which is the username). But; you can probably create association with different attributes if it is needed.
Step 2. Deployed extended jar file in to /repository/components/lib directory.
Step 3. Register custom step handler in repository/conf/identity/application-authentication.xml file.
Step 4. Restart the server
Step 3. Configure some Mandatory claims in SP configuration. Here we have configured a single mandatory claim which is “SOA Security Id”
Step 4. Try out the federation.
Step 5. User would be provisioned (Signup) with end user provided claims.