WSO2Identity Server as OpenID consumer

WSO2Identity Server can be act as both OpenId provider and OpenId consumer. My previous blog post described how we can use  WSO2Identity Server as an OpenId provider. Today lets see how we can sign up to the WSO2Identity Server using external OpenId (myopenid).

1. Download latest versions of WSO2Identity from here.

2. Extract WSO2Identity  zip file in to a directory in your file system. Lets call  as IS_HOME

3. Start WSO2Identity by running (in unix) or wso2server.bat (in windows)  which can be found in IS_HOME/bin directory.

4. Go to WSO2IS Management console by pointing your browser to https://localhost:9443/carbon/ 

5. Go to the InfoCard/OpenID Sign-in Page and provide your OpenId (I have given my openId which is

6. Provide your password and select your persona to associate 

7. Sign up to the WSO2Identity server (As I am a new user)

8. Use associated openId to sign-in to the WSO2Identiry server.